Posts By: rhfunding

8 Steps To Reduce Property Taxes

As the sluggish economy drags on, county boards everywhere are looking for ways to replace lost income, and re-assessments of residential real estate taxes is just one of those ways. Sometimes it’s fair, other times it avoids belt-tightening. If your property taxes have been raised and you feel it’s unfair, here is how to prepare… Read more »

5 Surprising Army Facts. Happy Birthday U.S. Army!

Today we celebrate the United States Army. It was this day 241 years ago that Congress adopted the “American Continental Army” which was originally kept very secret. Below are 5 surprising army facts  you may not have known about those in Uniform: #1 On June 14th in 1775, Congress authorized the enlistment of “expert riflemen” to… Read more »

The True Meaning Of Memorial Day

On the last Monday of May every year, The United States of America considers this day as a federal holiday and calls it “Memorial Day”. To most people, they are usually off from work as a paid holiday and they take advantage of the three day weekend with barbeques, trips down to the beach, or… Read more »

Why You Should Buy a House in New Jersey Now

If you are buying a house, it can be a very daunting prospect. However, if you are considering buying a house, first time house-buyer or not, now is the time you should purchase your home. Home prices will continue to rise over time. According to the most recent Home Price Index, they reported that home… Read more »

Questions To Ask When Buying a House Checklist

When it comes to buying a house, many people have a lot of different questions and it can get confusing and frustrating. Here’s the checklist of the most popular questions and answers for you! Q: How much house can I afford? A: Most budgets suggest you reserve 28% of your post-tax income for house payments… Read more »

How does VA loan Work For Veterans

Veterans, do you know about the benefits of buying a home with a VA loan? For example, you can purchase a home without any money down while mortgage insurance isn’t required. Your interest rate will also be lower as well compare to other loan programs. While this loan gives you the jump start on home… Read more »

Are you afraid to buy your first home?

Everyone tells you one of the most major purchases you can make in your life time is your own home. However you hear what everyone says about the process and that makes you anxious! The “what if” or “Is it right” questions pop up in your head and it can make you spooked out about… Read more »

History of the Mortgage Rates

We’ve been saying a lot that mortgage rates. You might think it’s a gimmick and we are pulling your arm. However, if you look at the past 100 years, you can see it’s actually true! Around 1930’s, mortgages were starting to take off in America. When they first started, most mortgages required buyers to make… Read more »

Teachers: Our Every Day Heroes

An activist for education by the name of Malala Yousafzai once said “One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” A teacher’s basic job definition is to instruct other individuals in any subject matter that’s given. However, we’ve noticed a lot of teachers that constantly go above and beyond the… Read more »