How Will the Omicron Variant Affect Mortgage Rates?
How Will the Omicron Variant Affect Mortgage Rates? How will the Coronavirus affect the real estate market? Financial experts have been asking this question for the past 12 to 18 months. It seems like we’ve dodged two bullets with the original outbreak of COVID-19 and the Delta variant. But, the emergence of the Omicron variant […]
Are Housing Speculators Driving up Home Prices?
Are Housing Speculators Driving up Home Prices? When is the next housing market crash? No one seems to be able to agree on when it’s likely to happen. But, we all can agree on one thing: it’s coming. Is it really coming, though? Read on to find out. The housing market has been up for […]
Is Now a Good Time to Buy a House?
Is Now A Good Time To Buy A House? When is it a good time to buy a house? People ask us that question often. A lot of people have trouble deciding when to buy because the market is always changing. America is rebounding nicely from the housing crash of late 2007 and 2008. A […]
Good Tips for First Time Home Buyers
First-time home buyers make up about a third of the home-buying market. So, if you’re buying your first home, you’re not alone. However, you may not feel prepared. In fact, most first-time homebuyers feel like they aren’t. Luckily, you’re here to learn the best home buying tips for new homeowners. With our home buying tips, you’ll understand […]
Police Officer Mortgage
New Jersey and the residents who proudly call it home are widely known for standing up for what they believe in, never afraid to speak their mind and quick to confront issues head-on. That has never been truer with the actions of a few but backed by many for an anti-drug teaching program that would […]
First Time Home Buyers Infographic
Are you a first-time homebuyer? If so, take a look at this infographic! Mortgages For Champions is here to help you along through the entire home buying process!
Teachers and Leaders and Speakers, Oh My

The annual New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) Convention was held in Atlantic City, NJ last week. NJEA was created to help those in New Jersey public education achieve excellence. The convention draws teachers and educational support professionals together to learn more in order to achieve their mission of promoting a quality system of public education […]
A Top Mortgage Employer
New American Funding Corp. Named on the Nation’s List Once Again – Here’s Why Every year, National Mortgage Professional Magazine (NMP) announces its list of the top mortgage employers in the nation. They polled readers on their employers using the following criteria: compensation, speed, marketing support, technology, corporate culture, long-term strategy, day-to-day management, internal communications, […]
Mortgage Company and Realtors Team Up to Help Fight Heroin Epidemic
This week was the Triple Play Realtor’s Convention at the Atlantic City Convention Center and New American Funding Corp. (NAFC) exhibited once again. RHFC chose to do a 1970’s themed booth, with a huge spin wheel that offered up prizes, a Studio 54 themed pop up picture stand, disco era music blasting, and all […]
American Cancer Society Making Strides against Breast Cancer 5k held in Westchester
Mortgages For Champions Continues its Charitable Efforts to Participate and Raise Funds for Society This past Sunday, the American Cancer Society held its annual Making Strides against Breast Cancer 5k walk in Westchester, NY. The event had hundreds in participation, with the walk being held at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY. Employees of New American […]