Our Customers Are Our Business
Providing excellent customer service will strengthen our reputation, increase our referral business and lead to greater success for our company.
Our Greatest Asset is Our People and Our Reputation
Excellent people lead to an excellent reputation. You can’t have one without the other.
Teamwork First
We embrace the entrepreneurial spirt but teamwork comes first.
Respect for the Individual
We value all of our employees. No one is above the standards that we set as a company.
Communication Leads to Accountability
Without a clear understanding of what’s expected from our people, accountability for our actions cannot be achieved.
Recruit and Retain the Best People
To be an industry leader we need to recruit the best people, one by one, and then give them the tools they need to be successful.
Maintain a Positive Attitude
Difficult economic times sometimes lead to difficult but necessary decisions for our company and people. Maintaining a positive attitude is key to good morale. Negativity breeds negativity.
Do the Right Thing
To do a job well, your motives must be true. If you’re having trouble making a decision, ask yourself, if what I’m thinking is the right thing for the company. If the answer is “yes”, proceed.